Embark on an original expedition in Dynamons 5! Created by the same team behind Dynamons 4 and Dynamons World, this game presents four thrilling realms to explore: Water Temple, Fire Temple, Electric Temple, and the treacherous Legendary Cave. Traverse through this lively mystical domain and gather adorable, formidable, and enigmatic Dynamons! Begin with a petite crew and progressively enhance your squad by adding novel creatures, crafting the ultimate team.
Participate in captivating, turn-based confrontations as the primary gameplay mechanism. Utilize action cards to assault and ensnare weakened adversaries. When in battle, conveniently access your backpack to utilize any special items you might have collected. Level up your Dynamons and unlock fresh action cards utilizing shards. Provoke fellow trainers in a quest to become the most powerful Dynamon Captain! Employ touch screen controls or your mouse to play.